Get topics in a channel
Get all topics the user has access to in a specific channel.
Note that for private channels with protected
history, the user will only have access to
topics of messages sent after they subscribed to the
channel. Similarly, a user's bot
will only have access to messages sent after the bot was subscribed to
the channel, instead of when the user subscribed.
Usage examples
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import zulip
# Pass the path to your zuliprc file here.
client = zulip.Client(config_file="~/zuliprc")
result = client.get_stream_topics(stream_id)
More examples and documentation can be found here.
const zulipInit = require("zulip-js");
// Pass the path to your zuliprc file here.
const config = { zuliprc: "zuliprc" };
(async () => {
const client = await zulipInit(config);
// Get all the topics in channel with ID 1
console.log(await client.streams.topics.retrieve({stream_id: 1}));
curl -sSX GET -G \
stream_id integer required in path
Example: 1
The ID of the channel to access.
Return values
Example response(s)
Changes: As of Zulip 7.0 (feature level 167), if any
parameters sent in the request are not supported by this
endpoint, a successful JSON response will include an
A typical successful JSON response may look like:
"msg": "",
"result": "success",
"topics": [
"max_id": 26,
"name": "Denmark3"
"max_id": 23,
"name": "Denmark1"
"max_id": 6,
"name": "Denmark2"
An example JSON response for when the user is attempting to fetch the topics
of a non-existing channel (or also a private channel they don't have access to):
"code": "BAD_REQUEST",
"msg": "Invalid channel ID",
"result": "error"